Inhispania’s Top Tips for Living & Learning Spanish in Madrid: Piscinas abiertas

abril 10, 2013

Piscinas abiertas

What’s the one thing that Madrid is missing? A beach! Fear not however, because Madrid’s outdoor swimming pools will start to open their doors towards the end of May. They tend to stay open until the beginning of September when the children go back to school (although obviously each individual pool will vary) so if you’re here over summer you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the sun!

Here are just a few ideas to get you started, but there are loads. For the full list look here:

Instalación Deportiva Municipal Francos Rodríguez
Address: Calle Numancia, 1. 28039
Buses: 44, 127, 128, 132
Metro: Francos Rodríguez

Club Deportivo Canal de Isabel II
Address: Calle Cea Bermúdez, 2. 28003
Metros: Canal, Alonso Cano, Ríos Rosas
(One of the largest sports clubs in Spain)

Instalación Deportiva Municipal Casa de Campo
Address: Casa de Campo
Buses: 31, 33, 36, 39, 65, 138
Metro: El Lago/Puerta del Ángel

Prices for all of the above: (may have changed for 2013)
Adults: 3.80€
Over 65’s: 0.90€
Under 16’s: 2.15€

Opening times: from roughly 11am to 9pm.
So there you have it, definitely affordable for either the odd one-off trip or if you’re hoping to swim regularly. The majority also have cafes/bars where you get cold drinks and snacks- perfect for cooling off in the summer sun!

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